Women in Business Programme

Finance and Advice for Women in Business

We help women entrepreneurs turn ambition
into success. Know how

Our Programme

Where we work

We partner with donors to finance and develop thousands of women-led SMEs. Each €1 of donor funding leverages €8 from the EBRD to on-lend to local banks for this purpose.

With our engagement, partner banks can expand their lending to women-led SMEs. For each €1 of donor funding, women-led SMEs will access €10 from our partner banks.

Women in Business is financed by the EBRD, the European Union, Italy, Kazakhstan, Luxembourg, Sweden, the Republic of Türkiye, Women Entrepreneurs Finance Initiative, J.P. Morgan, the Early Transition Countries Fund, the Small Business Impact Fund, the EBRD Shareholder Special Fund, the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean Multi-Donor Account, Middle East and North Africa Transition Fund, West Bank and Gaza Multi-Donor Account and the TaiwanBusiness-EBRD Technical Cooperation Fund.